Maths Pirates

Maths pirates is a student club for the students interested in Mathematics. We rise the profile of Mathematics as a subject increase engagement and strive to make the subject playful,exciting and full of wonders. It is a student organization which involves all students whose interest in Mathematics and who want to get into Mathematics.

Our goal is to bring children together and motivate them towards better performance in Mathematics,increase student collaboration ,provide exposure for further education and career opportunities.

We hold academic and social events throughout the year through research seminars,exhibition,mathematically important days celebrations. The meeting of the members is convened twice in a month for planning,execution and review of the functioning of the club and the programmes


Mrs. Baby Kanmani

Mrs Fathimath Sumanishana

Ms Murshida

Mr Safuban

Mrs Ashwathi

Mrs Seema

Mrs Sejeela

Mrs Efrath Raisa